You wanT To know abouT m3? Sure~!! *Bra|nless* *Use|ess* *NuTCaSe* *He|pLess* *ReTarDeD* *Loser* *NerD* *K|nd* *Shy* *sTup|d* *AssHo|e* *BuTheaD*May 25th - June 3rd
Layout by CoolChaser
What ever That really mak|ng me HoT and uncomFortab|e~!!
Really m|ss my FamiLy so much~!! AbaH,MaK,Dno and ZaFFa..Osama LaD|n,FucK POwe||~!!DamN BusH~!!@.$% Pau| Scho|es,G|ggs,TakuYa K|mura,HiDeak| Tak|zawa,UtaDa H|karu,crazY SeXy HoT ch|ck Ange|ina JoLie~!! My o|d and New FreNz and who ever who wants to make FrienDs wiTH m3 even any other races and Countries. *_*
I'm a|mosT un|versa|,Punk-RocK,A|ternaT|ve and mY FaVor|te BaNds.. N|rVana NeveR D|es,KorN,MuSe,Def ToNes,|ncuBuS,Mary|in MansoN,Theater oF TrageDy,CraD|e of FiLth :p~
JacK Ass Schoo| of RocK ToM CaTs ~!! Tr|guN My SassY ga| BoYs and Ga|z DuDe wheRe's mY CaR~!!
PunK'D,Ju|ce and wTf~!!
I duN Like ReaD|ng~!! DamN :p~ So wHaT the FucK You're laugh|ng aT~!!