D-Rob - [SURJE.2007]
Hi, everyboooody, my name is Derek. ("Hi, Derek!")
I'm twenty years old, and enjoy the simple things in life -me woman (Amber), me family(Rob's, y0), me fellow gangsters (SURJE.), and me trusty steed (teh coupe of death), of course! My life is how I want it to be, and I honestly could not have asked to been 'dealt a better hand.'
As mentioned previously, the internal combustion engine interests me, as well as everything connected to it or around it. Therefore, as of late, I have vested a decent amount of time learning and experimenting with such in order to make them as powerful as possible, without sacrificing reliability and economy at the same time. I learn more and more every day, and am not afraid to let the world know such a thing.
I like to talk -but only if I know what I'm talking about enough to speak intelligently about so, unlike 95% of the world's youth. If you are wrong about something and proceed to talk about so, I will not hesitate, not even for a second, to point out any hole or flaw in your thought process. Sorry.
Enough of this already. Who reads shit on MySpace anyway? I know you're just here to look at pictures, or watch my videos. You'll find links to both on here. If you like what you see, or have a question, feel free to shoot me a message -or better yet, shoot me a friend request and drop a comment or two.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't bite. - Derek