This is 12yr old Tony Royster Jr this guy is guna be a legend when he is older. his one handed drum rolls are blinding
Buddy rich is a drumming God, I have never seen a 4 cymbal 4 pice kit played like he does, check out those snare roles he played the military snare from the age of 4 what a god!!
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this kid jerry c is amazing on the guitar this is such a good cover of Johann Pachelbel!
dont get me started..... Everything but not emo, depresive crap
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numb/encore classic tune.
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if your out for a good night this song will get you going - Adagio for strings
my fav coldplay song - clocks
a great welsh band -stereophonics dekota
great band epic song - Mettalica Nothing else matters
you will be a hot dancer
My DVD Collection includes atm: Saw (classic), Cool Runnings, Old School, Donnie Darko, Harold and Kumar get the munchies, We are soliders, Saving private ryann, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Wedding Crashers, Oceans 11 & 12, All The Lord of the rings, Identity, All the Monty Python films, Mr & Mrs Smith, Team America, Peter Kay, Creature Comforts series 1 and there are more which I carnt be botherd to list
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