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Not THE Johnny Christ. Roleplayer. Not poser.

About Me

Of course you all are aware of the fact that my names ‘Johnny’, but people have a series of nicknames for me. My birth name is,’Jonathan Lewis Seward.’ I’m 22-years-old; sometimes I act it, sometimes I just don’t. Born on November 18,1984 in Huntington California; West Side. I drink and smoke cigarettes, you’ll learn to deal with it.
I'm not the same Johnny I use to be and anyone who chooses to believe that I am can go fuck off because they don’t know shit. I use to do a lot of drugs and even sell them, I always ran around on my girlfriends, and I was just disgusting. One day I realized myself how gross I was being and how shameful and horrible it was so I decided to get better and change myself into the old Johnny who was nothing like that Johnny. I went away to Italy for a few months to clear my mind, and to sort everything out. I came back to my current location (California) a better person. I am no longer THAT disgusting shameful Johnny I once was known as. I know I use to be an asshole, no one has to remind me of it.
It's true, I use to hate myself. I use to be uncomfortable with myself, and because I truly hated who I was I started to get worse on drugs and I even OD'd a couple of times. As if it wasn't bad enough I went on a suicide mission. I no longer hate myself nor want to die. I have changed for the better.
Whatever anyone has ever told you, I don't have STD's. Just because I've slept with one too many women doesn't mean I have diseases, I was careful. Also I got tested and I'm 100% clean so stfu if you choose to believe that I'm a "disease carrier"
I regret hurting my ex-girlfriends and my ex-wife, I truly from the bottom of my heart never meant to cause them pain, I was just going through a really rough patch in my life and I brought them into it causing them hell when I never meant to. Although breaking up with them or getting dumped by them was for the best, I am still sorry for everything.
I'm a true softy. I have an extremely soft side that shines a lot when I'm with my girlfriend Leana. I never really show that side of me especially in front of my guy friends because I don't want to seem like a was, but yeah I'm actually a major softy despite it all.
I'm probably the most weirdest, strangest, goofiest guy out there. I do some pretty weird stuff in front of you even if we just met. I dance in public and will drag you into the dance number whether you like it or not, even if you're embarrassed I'll still make you. I'm an odd ass and proud.
I’m finished with my ‘slut days’ I closed that disgusting chapter of my life so anyone who messages me hitting on me and pretty much wanting to get in my pants won’t get a response, but rather get deleted after the second try because I’m not like that anymore, I grew up and learned.
"If I ever wanted a Gnome I guess I'd just stand out on my lawn for a while"
Let’s enforce some rules.
• No stealing my pictures. I or my best friend has found all of my pictures on OUR time.
• Comprehend the fact that I’m just a role-player. Not a poser. Role-players are only accepted.
• No sending unnecessary drama my way. Eat shit if you do.
• Don’t add me and never talk to me. That’s stupid.
• Don’t ask who I really am. If I wanted you to know I’d show you, but I really don’t care.
Relationship wise I'm currently involved with the love of my life Hanna Murder whom is my Fiance. Therefore it's pretty serious so don't fuck it up. Hanna has given me so much hope in my life. The hope to continue you to better myself, to live every day to the fullest, and most importantly to have hope in love again. She has given me the chance to be truly in love to the point that it's at marriage. She knows everything in my past, she knows my fuck ups, she knows i'm not perfect, and she still loves me no matter what. I could never hurt her. I know I've said it before in previous relationships, but this time it's diffrent, i'm a changed man who wants to settle down permanently. I love her with all that I have and I highly doubt she knows how much I really do. She makes me feel like I'm not a fuck-up because of the things in my past. We have trust, honesty, faith, like, and love. She is the other part of me and without her I'd truly die. Losing her is just one of my biggest fears so I will admit that I do get a tad jealous when guys make certain comments about her, but I try to keep my cool and realize that we have an open and honest relationship and that Hanna would never hurt me and I would never hurt her.
My children I had with Aubrey:
I'm editing my profile. I'll have my friends back on here soon. =]
Agent Sir Johnny you're the sexiest agent

My Blog


I am not the johnny christ. I am a roleplayer. Roleplayer = someone who plays as him. DO NOT ADD IF YOU AREN'T RP! I will deny you if you arent rp. If you believe that I am the johnny christ. G...
Posted by Agent Sir Johnny is Engaged to Hanna Murder on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 02:00:00 PST