SEx,mOneY, DruGs And bBQs...
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.. .:SiNFuL KwEeNz:. ..ThOsE thAT knOwS wHATs uP!!! ReAL dOwN-2-EaRTh kiNd oF pEoPLe, thAT dOn'T BuLshiT Or LiE...I'll rESpeCT yOU, mOre fOR beiNg yOursELf, TheN YoU TrYiNg ToO FaKe thE FuNK!!MyHotComments
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OldiEs, RaP ( uNdERGrOunD, LocAL aRTiSts, ChiCanO, eTc. ), ReGgAe, HiP-HoP, RoCk-MeTaL
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aMaTurE PoRN, The GyRLs neXT dOoR...
HuSTleR, PlaYBoY, G-SpOT, SeXaTiOnaL seCReTs
He'S mY wOrLD.. aiNT nOThiNG mORe, theN hiM..My LOve.. LiL WiLliaM...