About You
full name Ask me and maybe ull find out
nicknames Dee, Big Sexy,etc
birthdate August 31, 1989
location Home
height 5'8
hair color gold and black
eye color brown
siblings 6
pets none
worst fear ?
color blue and brown
movie ?
artist/band Boosie Bad Azz
songs at the moment studio luv remix
tv show i dont watch tv
place to shop i dnt know
subject in school i dnt have one its "07" as long as i pass im gravy
smell watermelon and strawberry
food ?
Have You Ever?
made a prank call? all the time
lied? everyon has lied
snuck out of the house? yes
skipped school? nope
ran away? hell naw for what?
broken the law? everybody breaks the law
done something embarrassing? yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no cuz that shit dont work
wanted someone you knew you couldnt have? no cuz if i wanted them i could have had them
been to a concert? yes
been kissed? yes
kissed someone? yes
been in love? yes
cheated on someone? yes
been cheated on? yes
had a hard time getting over someone? no
Do You?
color your hair? yes
have any tattoos? why?
have any piercings? who doesnt
have any bad habits? yes
wish you were someone else? hell naw
play an instrument? yes
wear cologne/perfume? body spray
own a thong? ?
wear contacts/glasses? yes
would you like to kiss? damn
makes you laugh? Eron
makes you smile? Jalen
do you tell everything to? Kenita and Christen
has a crush on you? i dont know
can make you feel better no matter what? Jalen
More About You
what song makes you cry? ?
what song makes you happy? lyfe (radio)
what makes you happy? HATERS
do you wish on stars? naw
When Was The Last Time You...?
drank alcohol? memorial day
smoked? neva
kissed someone? november
went to the mall? yesterday
were on stage? last year
cut your hair? last month
stole something? neva