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You Are 88% Good
You are not only a good person... you are a model citizen and a natural leader.
Whether you know it or not, your high moral standards and good judgment is truly rare.
You don't take ethical short cuts in life. You are able to do what's right - even when it's very difficult.
And while it may seem like no one else is as on track as you are, take heart in knowing that you set a good example for others.
You are also probably: Very sensitive and in tune with the world
Right now you are on track to being: A saint
To be a better person: Gently mentor someone who is taking the wrong path in life
How Good Are You?
What Your Hands Say About You
You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.
Bold and daring, you're not afraid to change your life if you think it needs an overhaul.
Brainy and intelligent, you are intellectual to the point of being incomprehensible.
Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.
What Do Your Hands Say About You?
You Are 85% Tortured Genius
You totally fit the profile of a tortured genius. You're uniquely brilliant - and completely misunderstood.
Not like you really want anyone to understand you anyway. You're pretty happy being an island.
Are You a Tortured Genius?
Your Brain's Pattern
You have a tempered, reasonable way of thinking.
You tend to take every new idea in, and meld it with your world view.
For you, everything is always changing. Each moment is different.
Your thinking process tends to be very natural - with no beginnings or endings.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?
Your Mind is Blue
Of all the mind types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.
What Color Is Your Mind?
Your Heart is Blue and Orange
Your heart is bright and brilliant.
You are knowledgeable, wise, and confident.
You bring dynamism and sparkle to relationships.
You know how to keep your partner hanging on your every word.
What Are the Colors of Your Heart?
You Are the Ego
You take a balanced approach to your life.
You definitely aren't afraid to act out on your desires - even crazy ones.
But you usually think first. Morals drive you as much as hedonism does.
You've been able to live a life of pleasure... without living a life of excess.
Are You Id, Ego, or Superego?
People Envy Your Inner Peace
You understand your place in the world and accept life as it is. For you, "it's all good."
People envy how grounded and level headed you are. But you're too at peace to even notice.
What Do People Envy About You?
You Communicate With Your Eyes
When you say, "I'll believe it when I see it" - you really mean it.
For you, what you see is a lot more important than what you hear.
You don't take someone's words at face value. You judge people by their facial expressions, body language, and appearance.
You tend to be quiet, but when you talk, you tend to make eye contact and describe things in colorful detail.
How Do You Communicate?
You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.
How Well Do You Understand Men?
Gemini - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
Your lively, outgoing attitude attracts people to you everywhere you go.
You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire.
You're adaptable enough to flirt with anyone - and people tend to fight over you.
Your negative traits:
You get easily bored in relationships, and tend to jump from person to person.
You tend to be a bit of a player - and have a high tolerance for drama in relationships.
Not the most empathetic person, you tend to tell lovers to "get over" their problems.
Your ideal partner:
Is intelligent and quick witted enough to keep you interested.
Is a bit of a shape shifter, providing you with the variety you crave.
An open minded person, who's willing to have a non-traditional relationship.
Your dating style:
Exciting. If your date shows you a new experience (like Egyptian food or scuba diving), you're very happy.
Your seduction style:
Experimental: it's rare that you try the same thing twice.
Ultra kinky - you do stuff that's not even in books yet.
Hot and cold... sometimes you're just not into the whole sex thing.
Tips for the future:
Settle down a little. Sometimes good things come with time - so don't let people go so fast.
Acknowledge that you're a player and flirt. If your mate can't live with this, find someone who can.
Give your partner a little more attention. You don't have to be a social butterfly all the time.
Best color to attract mate: Sunny yellow
Best day for a date: Wednesday
What's Your Love Profile?
This is a tough one... I'd like to revisit some people from my past, who are now deceased; like my grandmother, my grandfather, and Jim Clark (my first love). There are so many fascinating people both alive and dead that I wouldn't mind conversing with; Leonardo Da Vinci, Edvard Munch, Stephen King, Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther King, Stephen Hawking, Elvis Presley... I could go on and on...
Where does one even begin? I like almost everything, but my all time favorite song is "Wonderful World," by Louis Armstrong.
Your Taste in Music:
90's R&B: Highest Influence
Classic Rock: High Influence
R&B: High Influence
80's Rock: Medium Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
How's Your Taste in Music?
Virtually anything horror/suspense thriller/who done it. Although I haven't seen a really good movie in that genre in a very long time. I am starting to think that Hollywood has forgotten how to make a good thriller. I am also a sucker for a good romance like 'The Notebook.'
Ugly Betty, Scrubs, Law and Order (CI and SVU), lately I have been watching a lot of shows on the Food Network.
I don't get the chance to read as often as I would like to. The last book I remember reading that wasn't for school was "The Only Girl in the Car," by Kathie Dobie. It is about sexual exploration and exploitation.
My grandmother has always been my hero. She raised me from the day I was born. Raising a grandchild back in the 70s and 80s wasn't as common place as it is today. She was judged heavily for taking me in. We lived on $6,000 a year. She would walk along the ditches picking up cans just to be able to buy me clothes. The sacrifices she made for me will NEVER be forgotten.