Spending time with Sara, hanging out with my friends, I love being with my nieces and nephew. I like being around MOST of my family I like stayin up late, sleeping in, this is a new habit I am forming.. I LOVE TO SHOP!, my ipod, I love music! the unmentionable on the internet and we will just leave it at that!
There are not many people I would like to meet considering I dont really like people, the ones I already know are fine, but as far as meeting NEW ones, I have no desire. I have this myspace for old friends from my past (which it has been awesome talking to all the people from Tulare!) and my current friends, which I love ALL 3 of you! just kidding :) I would like to meet George Bush and tell him he is a coward and I want to meet Johnny Depp and Vin Diesel to do very bad things to them :)
Music is everything to me! I find it is the best way to let everything out whether it is bad or good. I like just about everything when it comes to music. I like rap, country, blues, rock, 80's, alternative.. I would have to say my favorite thing to listen to is classic rock.
All different kinds, I love to watch horror films which is really stupid considering I am a big chicken! I like sappy love stories, Comedy, mysteries, overall it would have to be Horror.
I love Grey's Anatomy, ER, I dont really watch alot of TV, mainly watch movies
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