I like sleeping, its my favorite.
(uh.. yeah it is. he has slept majority of our relationship.)
You! if lyn allows it
(hahahahah!! yeah that's right! if I allow it, suuuuckkkaaahhhs!)
I like to go on Power 106 playlist and download all the songs they have on it!
(baby, you're not gangster..)
I liked it when lyn worked at the movies and was able to get me in free =)
(yeah, now he has to pay for me.. which is why we don't watch movies anymore..)
I like watching TV at Lynny's place cuz she has her very own cable box.
(gotta lure him in somehow. :P)
I like reading for leasure: Grishm, Orbson Scott Card, JK Rowling, Dan Brown,
(it's spelled "LeIsure", babe.)
I like the series "Heroes"
(that's why he doesn't get me mad on mondays.. coz he has to watch it at my apt. :P)