Briefly, I am a White Male of French/Irish-Canadian descent but I live in the U.S. in So.Cali. I'm presently a college student (again) working on a degree in the Computer Information Management field. Oh, and I own a little skating business called JAMSKATER. I dress in a casual grunge-skater style cuz that's what I am. I live to skate, and skate to live. I'm a hard-core skaterboy. Yessum!!! A few words of caution - If you're a pedophile leave now. If you are here to trade porn leave now. You've got the wrong person and your on the wrong profile page. Cuz da boyz in da hood are always hard, come talkin that trash and I'll pull your card! As for the differant kinds of sports, hobbies, and interests - I'm into Jamskating, my education (College), rollerblading, my business, extreme sports, x-games, martial arts, motorcycles, hot rods, and any music that I can skate too. If you are interested in learning more about my favorite sport, art, and pastime "Skating" then check out my videos. Check out my BLOGS on Jamskating, Dogtown and Z-Boys... You might like what you see...For more intimate details 'about me' go to my ABOUT ME blog page. Duh. Where else brainiac. See ya there ;=) What are you still doing on my profile page. Go directly to my business page or website both called JAMSKATER. Don't pass go and don't collect $200.00 on da way there.
Skater Forum. Click revolving icon.