I can be shy at first in tell I get to know you better. I am looking for a committed relationship and I am not looking for casual sex. I am just looking for a person to hang out with and get to know better. I am not a push over or a doormat....I am strong willed and stubrun. I am goal driven...I am majoring in Marketing graduating and getting my comminission in the U.S Army spring 2004. I don't like watching sports...I like to be out there doing it. I am beginning to like watching B-ball. I tend to like a lot of attention. I am a very affectionate person.
Start Hunting For That New Apartment
You two are ready to live together - and probably have been for a while
You're a perfect match, even if you don't agree on everything
What's important is compromise... a skill you and your guy have mastered
So head out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It's time for your new life together!
You Are a Classic Beauty!
You have a timeless beauty that looks great in every decade
Instead following trends, you stick to what works
And this means you never skimp on your beauty routine
Upside? Your classic looks tends to attract gentlemen - not boys.