BEAT HAPPY! MUSIC is a small independent label and promotion company formed out of a love for music(I guess most indie labels fit this mold). I started out by releasing a couple 7" EP's showcasing bands from around the US, On Safari with Vol. 1 and Vol 2. Then I released Mashin' Potatoes(a Tribute to DEVO) and DR ROCKET and the MOONPATROL's debut CD. BH!M is currently working on THE LOBSTROSITIES debut "ROSES AND WASTELANDS" to be co-released with Sonora Label BRICK&MORTAR MUSIC. Plans for other releases are in the works. I have been promoting shows in the Central Valely for around 20 years(under different names St Christopher Productions in Modesto, Poison Free Productions(with Leon Pierce@American Legion Hall, and BH!M.) I have booked many, many bands from the Deftones to Less Than Jake, from Suicide Machine to Swingin Utters. For more info on booking check out ENJOY.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !