-->Stevie it's time to leavie<-- profile picture

--&gt;Stevie it's time to leavie&lt;--

hey nice eyes! lets have a conversation bout..dogs

About Me

i like music heaps, and cars and yeh i got msn if u wana find out anything else : [email protected].

My Interests

ahhh gay porn

I'd like to meet:

hot sexy meaty chick


i love music, such as jeff buckley, pantera, chimaira,john butler trio, ben harper, kittie, deftones,britney, aborted, amen, sunk loto, slipknot, RATM, from autumn to ashes, frenzal rhomb, queens of the stone age, hmmm i could go on all day


ah i like wierd movies, like spun an donnie darko, who hasnt seen donnie darko now...., umm documentarys like bowling for columbine


ahh picture magazine, trading post


my mum

My Blog

party like 50cent is dead ya'll

is anyone going to the rev on friday night to see six in a box?? apart from ben, cuz yeh pretty obvious ur going... so hmmmmmmmmm anyone?? then going to the depot to try to acheive the unachievable...
Posted by -->Stevie it's time to leavie<-- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST