How about who'd I'd like to beat up: Smitty, Bob Costas, Garp, Kathy Griffen, Alex Trebek, Carrot Top, Thom York, Joey Gladstone, hippies, the new york yankees, Scott Tennerman, kobe bryant, Trey Parker and Matt Stone for creating that "Ginger" episode of South Park, a bear, JJ Walker, Simon Birch, paul reiser, new jersey, people who don't use their turn signals, people who slow down when getting on the freeway, Princess Peach (stop getting yourself kidnapped!), flight attendants, Donna Frye, people who don't say "Bless you" after you sneeze, If he were still alive, Idi Amin, and not for all the obvious reasons, but for this line here: "Except for the red hair, which I'm sure is attractive to your women, but which we Africans, we find is quite disgusting", emo kids, people who use a crap load of hair gel to spike their hair so it looks like they don't care what their hair looks like, people who design clothes that already have rips and tears in them, ...that is all for now.