im a very hApPy pErsOn.%D%Ai fYt iN wuT i beLiv iS rYt%D%Ai lOvE God..%D%Ai lOvE mY fAmilY%D%Ai LovE mUsic...%D%Ai LovE LivIng...%D%Ai lOve evRyoNE... bUt i hAte yOu if yOu aRe a Big shIt dizrESpecTfuL lIviNg thIng.. aFter aLl should nOt bE cAll a LivIng tHinG...esPeiAlLy gUys wHo dOn'T haVE rESpecT fOr woMen.. dOn'T expEct aNytHiNg fRom mE.. ............i mAybe aNnoYing as weLl.. yOu aND yoUr False oPinIons anD jUdgEment oV mE meAn nOthing.. eVEn gOod gUrLS cAn bE bAd..riTe? dO yoU hAve pRobLem wIth mE... i hAve A gUn hEre.. dEn i'Ll shOot yOu... dEn nO prObLem riTE?hahahahaha%D%A%D%A%D%A Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts ....
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
someone whoz willing to be my and kind personz only...hehe%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A
eAt buLAgA..hEhe
pHilippine Ghost Stories...knOw hIm cOmplEtely.....ABA NKKBS N PL AKO....