☆ H, sacred agent.☆ profile picture

☆ H, sacred agent.☆

The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are an

About Me

i get off on philosophy. exist more in silly than serious and love it when people can go back and forth with me, intrigued by energy theories, believe that everything is right.

My Interests

the absurd. the amusingly awkward. .. hey, whats your cats name, wendy? hm, maybe. finding healthy outlets for my dark side, the thrift store, fun funness, www.postsecret.com, baths, deserted places, annies cheetos, diy, change, the cats, playing dress up, intense things, experimenting, reading outloud, reading what you wrote, qi gong.

I'd like to meet:

I Know and will know; genuine, respectful, enlightened people. interesting sleepers who have sleeping conversations and are convinced of their own reality upon waking. people with a really funny sense of humor.. the crazier the better. spiritual beings moving forward on your path, you have my blessing and my respect. people who bring funn funness. chameleons. above all, good energy. This layout is by ProfileTweaks.com


always looking for new sounds. roy orbison always. CCR really loud in the car.


best new movie? Pans labyrinth. Me and You and Everyone We Know (miranda july and i are separated conjoined twins)! The never ending story and the last unicorn are my favorites, mondo trasho, David Lynch movies, pi, Cheesy horror like basketcase 2, dead alive, evil dead and shaun of the dead. The sweetest thing, following (amazing!), tipping the velvet, things dark, smart and funny. things that make me feel really good like gremlins, goonies, back to the futures, uncle buck, nightmare before xmas..img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b168/emerald_eye1968/ Fairuza.jpg" border="0"


probably too much..I didnt mean to be radioactive. L word, desperate housewives


the emerald tablets, Ferdinand, I like books in human form, pop-up porn?? what, thats crazy.


everyday people that stand up for whats right, still waters that run deep, sun si miao rocks! Your own true nature... You should roam in places that are your own, that arise in accordance with your own true nature.And what is the place that is your own? It's the pasture of ardent clearness and mindfulness, where discontent and greed are put aside for the sake of the world. That is your own place, your natural range.-Samyutta Nikay

My Blog


pangea organics whole skincare line.. all ingredients are me approved! Im completely anal about skin care products so i tend to sacrifice function for ingredients but again im very pleased with their ...
Posted by swift justice? on Wed, 16 May 2007 04:05:00 PST

elephant Q

okay so im not sure what im doing for my b day..  ive told a couple of you about how i saw this elephant show on one of the nature channels and gotten completely nerdy about it. When an elephant ...
Posted by swift justice? on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:28:00 PST

this is to you even though you dont know that it is

understanding and loving every part of yourself is essential. the good and the bad are not "good" or "bad", they are what they are. once a person can be comfortable with that, at peace with that, then...
Posted by swift justice? on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 12:10:00 PST

my theory on why cats love to lie on paper

revered by the egyptians, cats grew accustomed to the finest of things and so their instinctual memory still serves them by reminding them that their throne should consist of only the finest "sacred p...
Posted by swift justice? on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:46:00 PST

well i didnt want propaganda with that..

so im on my crazy plane ride on tuesday (blizzard!) and i read fast food nation. Never outside of some the coloring placemats have i heard such stunning speech about mcdonalds ( and while other little...
Posted by swift justice? on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:29:00 PST

does everyone know about alkalyzation?

some of you do, but for those who dont.. a high body acidity is an ideal breeding ground for cancer. Ph is the acronym for "potential hydrogen". the more alkaline a person is the more it can&nbs...
Posted by swift justice? on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:59:00 PST

as promised-skin care products (+ update)

60% of what goes on the skin is absorbed. legally one "serving" or "application" of  a substance cant do harm but there are no regulations regarding the cumulative effect of a product. toothpast...
Posted by swift justice? on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:25:00 PST

why the secret?

The Secret, a good movie wasnt it. telling us things we already know but giving reverence to them and more details then we had processed while things like this spun around in our overthinking heads. S...
Posted by swift justice? on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

verbal rape/ verbal molestation

a concept that already exists. have you ever had someone talk AT you? lengthy amounts of time, no consideration for the obvious cues you are giving them toward your discomfort.. and sometimes it pains...
Posted by swift justice? on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:24:00 PST

last one standing

ladytron,.. amazing in person.    so   good
Posted by swift justice? on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:00:00 PST