~~muSIc~~gURlz & guYS~~Em0~~sOFtwArE~~tO0nS~~maNGA~~
~~tHE 0ne WhO reAD th1$...g05h!!!!tHAt`s u....~~
~~eMo~~hARD~~slOw rOCk~~sKa~~kUgIRan KamPunG~~naSyID,hahaha...~~jOgeT KabeRET~~
erRIe wHIspERs
tRapPAd beNEaTh mY piLloW
You w0N't lEt mE sleEP
y0Ur mEMorIe5
i kNow y0u'Re in tHIs roOM
I'm sURe i hEArd yOu sIgH
fL0aTiNg iN beTWeEn
whERe oUr woRLd$ colLIde
scAREs tHe hElL oUt oF me
anD th eND i5 alL i cAN sEe
ANd It scARe$ tHe hll 0ut oF Me
and tHE enD is aLL i cAn sEE
aNd I kNOw tHe mOMenT's nEAr
anD tHERe's noTHiNg we cAn d0
lO0k tHRoUgh a faIThleSs eYe
aRE y0u aFRaiD to dIe?
it sCaREs tHe heLL 0ut Of mE
aNd tHE end i$ all i can sEe
anD it sCAres The hEll 0Ut oF mE
aND THe eNd i$ all i caN sEE
it scaREs The heLL 0ut oF me
anD THE enD iS all i cAN see
aNd it sCAre5 thE heLL oUt 0f me
anD THe end i$ all I cAN seE
~~ciTEr2 k05 rENdAh~~
~~tV1~~tV2~~tV3~~ntV7~~tV80~~tV81~~60`stV~~thEir dAMn kEWll~~
~~savE peRVerT rYAn~~
~~kImiA pEnGEnaLaN uNtuK dIPLomA jiLiD III~~
~~tUAh jEBat~~kAmen RaidEr~~uLtramAn~~jEzz...tHeir ''hOT!!!''~~
~~tH05e dAMn jEWs!!!~~