About Me
Myspace Layouts For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
Girly Myspace Comments
If you are able to look past my sarcasm, you'll see that I'm a down to earth, easy going person. I have a big heart and I love people. I'm a certified EMT and work in a county jail. I love my job and the nurses/deputies I work with. I'm married to an incredible man, that would do anything for me. I'm very lucky. That pretty much sums it up.THINGS I LIKE: Kisses from the Best Husband in the
World, Being a Stepmom, Animals.. mainly cats,dogs,pigs, I love sitting at home and watching movies, Polka Dots, The Cheesecake Factory, Air Conditioning, Hospice, Flip Flops, Halloween, Puppy Breath, Sleeping, Dr. Jack Kevorkians Mission, Sushi, Laughing, Baking Shortbread ( no joke..It's amazing.), Cooking, Flowers, Wine, Vodka Tonic with Lime, Quilts, Gift Cards, Family Parties, Aveeno, Starbucks, Candles, Name Brands, The Smell of Rain, Beer Pong, Capital Punishment, Thunderstorms, Andrew Wyeth , Bubble Baths, Hand Soaps from Bath and Body Works, Schedules, Debit Card, Saving Lives (So..I'm proud of myself)THINGS I DON'T LIKE: Tree Frogs, Ex's, Liars, Religion, Fake People (you know who you are), Pain, Dirty Feet, Salt Water, Clean Freaks, Tomatoes, Cotton Balls, Hospitals, Dirty Grocery Stores, People showing up unannounced, Loud Restaurants, The Confederate Flag, Pot Holes in the Road, People who don't like animals, Walmart on the Weekend, The "Choose Life" License Plate, Drama Queens, Being Late, Two Door Cars, Gift Wrapping, Road Trips, People that neglect their teeth, Child Leashes, Loose Change, The Justice System, Canvas Art, Racist People, Slow Drivers, Sand in my Flip Flops, Conflict.