I like to meet all different people. You can learn something from everybody...
I like all types of just depends on my mood. I don't really care for rap or hip hop...a lot of that crap just sounds the same to me...there are definitely some exceptions to that but for the most part not a big rap fan... Most of my favorites are oldies... I am an old soul when it comes to music...60s and 70s...
Is it really possible to pick your favorite movie? I know I sure can't...Here are a few...Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Seven, Silence of the Lambs, Tommy Boy, all Steve Martin flicks, Spaceballs, Monty Python, Shawshank Redemption, Office Space, My Cousin Vinny, Primal Fear, The Fugitive, True Lies, Rush Hour, get the picture
Sopranos, SNL, The Office, Strangers With Candy, Family Guy, Simpsons, Golden Girls, The O.C. ( I know it's cheesy but I just can't help myself), Sex and the City, Roseanne, Lost.
Mysteries or thrillers are usually what I grab for first...but I am pretty open-minded when it comes to books.