LAWL My old ass MySpace profile picture

LAWL My old ass MySpace

What is the purpose of my life?

About Me

My name is Regret. I hate the shit out of my real name. I'm a multi-talented kid who wants to be many different things. I want to be a writer, a rockstar, and an artist.
I love drawing. I mainly only draw manga, but sometimes I'll draw some Family-Guy-looking characters and call it a day. My favorite people to draw are the members of My Chemical Romance. I love drawing them...especially Mikey. He has an interesting hairstyle that any manga artist can easilly fall in love with. I did manage to create some original characters. There's Vincent, my favorite, Mirra, Sana, Zeo, Rane, Bell, and Isa. Vincent and Bell are dead. Isa is one of my most mysterious characters, so she just pops in and out causing trouble. No one [not even me] knows if she's dead or alive, but she looks like she's still living. She works for Castro Lang, a vampire who wants to kill Vincent for some reason...
The only music I will ever listen to is rock [all types], Japanese music, and anything by Daft Punk. As you probably guessed, my favorite band is My Chemical Romance. Other rock bands I like are Less than Jake, blink 182, Damone, Simple Plan, and many more. I don't really have a favorite song. If I did, it would most likely be by My Chemical Romance.
I'm into a lot of anime and manga. I remember Mikey Way saying he liked a few anime movies. I'm guessing Spirited Away was a favorite, as it is mine. I've always been a fan of One Piece, even though the English dub is starting to suck. I never really liked Naruto, but I'll try to get into it. Digimon has always been one of my favorite shows and it always will be. Other shows I like are Inuyahsa, Shaman King [although I haven't seen it in years], Full Metal Alchemist, Bobobo Bo Bo BoBo, and some others. There are some anime shows that I have never seen, but look very interesting. I heard the ending for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's a really fun and energetic song, but it's not the type I'd like to blast after school. Someone told me about the show on YouTube. I never actually got to see it. There was also this kick-ass manga called Claymore that I like. I saw ONE episode of it in Japanese. It was cool. Speaking of manga, I subscribe to Shonen Jump magazine. That's how I got all of these cool YuGiOh cards.
Overall, I'm a really nice girl and very supportive. I don't mock people because of what they like or things they did, and NEVER about how they look. Remember kids:

My Interests

writing stories
listening to music
playing video games

What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with
You scored as Emo Kid

You listen to emo. 'Nuff said. You know how to dress. You usually feel as if nobody understands you.

Emo Kid




















I'd like to meet:


My Chemical Romance


The Nightmare Before Christmas
Corpse Bride
Tenacious D
30 Days of Night
Bee Movie


I don't really watch TV anymore, but I'll watch anything that's funny.


The Killing Sea was an awesome book...


Gerard Way
Mikey Way
Frank Iero
Ray Toro
Bob Bryar
Benjamin Roman
Eiichiro Oda
Tim Burton
Smexy Edgar
Tom Back-Beat

My Blog

Long Hair: A Poem For My Crush

I haven't figured out your name, Nor do I know you well. I've fallen in love with your punk rock hair. Has someone cast a spell? Too down to smile. Too shy to talk. While you chat with friends, away I...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 03:25:00 PST

Yet another fucked up TNBC character

Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 05:05:00 PST

A Poem for Tom-san

Dou shita no.What happened?Douka shita no.What's wrong? Kanashii.I'm sad. Shinpai da.I'm worried. Zannen desu.I'm sorry...You are Shinsetsu.Kind.You are Shitashimiyasui.Friendly.You are Yasashii.Sweet...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:15:00 PST

EDGAR! and something else that happened today...

I love Edgar. He's nice to me and he always smiles. He's so cute! We're going out on Saturday to God knows where. Hopefully it'll be to the mall or something. It wasn't really me or him that got us ho...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 06:42:00 PST

Another Survey

1. What is a question that people ask you that always gets on your nerves?"Why do you like rock?"2. Name something you have in common with all your...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:07:00 PST

My Fucked Up TNBC Character

It's a mix of Jack, Sally, the Corpse Kid, and some other buff dude I can't remember......
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 09:12:00 PST

My Chemical Romance Fan Survey

The ULTIMATE My Chemical Romance Fan SurveyBasicsName: Ashley Roberts [Hasegawa Michiyo in Japanese]Age: 15Grade: Couldn't care lessTo Start Off......
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 12:38:00 PST

Everyone, guess what!

I'm startin' a band! My sisters want to start one and they want me to be in it, but they're just gonna seem like posers... which is why I will assemble one with my new friends! Now I'm off to Wal*Mart...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 05:09:00 PST

10 Commandents of Me and MCR

1. Thou shall drink coffee in thy name of My Chemical Romance. 2. Thou shall draw MCR mangas. 3. Thou shall grin when Gerard, Mikey or Frank grins. 4. Thou shall cry to Helena. 5. Thou has every right...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:51:00 PST

Ways to Be Like Me in School...CONTINUED!!!

31. Walk down the hallway with your class [make sure it's silent]. Out of nowhere, yell "Holy Shit!" and look inside a classroom.32. Make fun of your teacher's wife/husband. 33. Play James Bond in the...
Posted by LAWL My old ass MySpace on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:59:00 PST