Sophie Wareing! profile picture

Sophie Wareing!

No, I do not own a pet pig now piss off.

About Me

Hello! Im Sophie Wareing!
My favourite colour is orange
I like how people call me by my full name.
Or anything with the word Wareing in.
I love God.
Iv been doing a lot of thinking
I compare myself to some others I hang round with
And those people justify my actions
Some of them roll my jeans up for me, some of them go and get me stuff when I say, some of them wipe the seat I want to sit on if I ask.
Those are not valid friends.
They are just doormats who I give no appreciation to.
My valid friends would tell me to fuck off
Because those I truly call friends, arent there to tie my lace just cos its muddy. They mean more than that
Thats why I might be a complete twat to them sometimes.
Its not becuase I think I can treat my friends that way, its becuase I dont want them to think of me as one of those 'friends' they can walk all over.
Thats why some people dont actually know how much of a good friend they are.
Its complicated
But enough about those gypsys.
Im at Burnley sixth form doing chemistry, biology, politics and geography.
Im probably gonna go on to do something in geology.
I have a brilliant hobby of learning the capital cities of countries.
But I also play bass in a band called Overdrive.
We do gigs about the town and such.
Bass not being my thing, I play guitar, and I have done for going on 5 years now.
My favourite band is Motion city Soundtrack
I have 7 guitars now for some reason (I say 7 in anticipation for sunday)
I think Sophie Wareing is a fantastic name.
I dont have everything sussed anymore as once thought I did
I wont live in Burnley next year
I must digress, I found a Roman coin once in Turkey.
Im going to vote Conservative in 2009
Its as mid-right as it gets without wasting my vote.
If you think your random you need a slap.
If you think your a socialist your a scum bag
Im all for hierachy
Im Sophie Wareing
Good bye
I like how the above paragraph looks like a regressive population pyramid. That must mean that less babies are being born musnt it! Oh the knowledge!
I find that if you dont make the effort and live your life sat down, then you'r shit and I dont want to know you.
I like people that have a hobby and have something to talk about other than what they bought from Charter walk.
I love life, everythings a competition and its well good.
I hate dwelling on things that aren't worth my time yet some people manage to fuck you about enough to make you sad. Somehow, they manage to make you think your in the wrong when your really not.
Im glad I'v made the right decisions recently, to actually find the people that are worth my time.My best/very good friends, they probably dont know who they are to be honest & they dont need to know because thats how friendships get taken for granted.
Theres a big fat gap between my friends and my good friends.
I like gammon.
Im going to Leeds festival.
This was a good holiday!
We slept in a hostel in the mountains.
18 mile bike ride! Im aware I look like a twat.
Dont know what that face is for.
Mahaz cant cook eggs.
I think everyone fell out on this day. Trying to find bloody Ambleside.
Dont stand in the bathroom with me while Im brushing my teeth especially if your my Mother. It makes me feel sick.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Top 10 funniest moments of my life:
1.Dan wiping dog shit off an inhaler onto Holly's shoulder. THE most funniest thing I'v ever seen.
2.Mother falling over a pew in Corsica
3.Alex being sick in lake district. It hurt to breath after that!
4.James throwing a ruler at Holly in year 6 and it stuck in her flab. LOL
5. James getting shit on the face from a bird in year 9
6.Mrs Wood saying 'woohoo'
7.Dorothy's papers flying away in the wind. Had to be there.
8. Heather Keenan falling over a cider bottle Still funny to this day
9.James pushing Natalie Moore over in year 9, she rolled!
10.Claire falling over at work. Words cannot describe how funny that was.

Top 10 Greatest times of my life:
2. That Disney thing I tell everyone about.
3.First time I played live in the band Anne is Anne. Oh yes
4.Lake District holiday
5. Friday lunchtimes on A corridor
6.Not to be disclosed
7.When I did a forward roll down the stairs. It was worth it.
8. That dream I had
9.The summer of 2006
10. Finding out the chickins were dead. LIBERATION.

Top 10 Fun and frolicks with my friends
1.PGL FRANCE June 2005
2.Lake District August 2006
3.Blackpool pleasure beach October 2006
4.Getting chased by a landrover in the middle of nowhere June 2006
5.France in February 2006
6.Helen Judges party June 2006. The walk to Bens house led to number 8 on the funny moments list.
7.Motion city Soundtrack gig August 2006
8.Paintballing November 2005
9. Laser Quest October 2005
10.Colne Febuary 2007

If I ever see another phospholipid again it will be too soon.

I never thought that I would change
But I never thought that I would stay the same
Its a sad but true fact that, 90% of the people I call friends now, I wont know in 3 years.

If you listen to people in Burnley, they will just hold you back.
Theres too much to see out there, to stay as you are and where you are.
If its not a challenge then it's not worth bragging about.
I wont get anywhere just doing the things I know I can do.
I'd rather do something to make a difference in some form or other.
I prefer to act out of character sometimes, so that those who dont know me, cant sum me up. I never want to be summed up by anyone tbh.

I dont see why people make a big deal about being judged, Its noone elses fault if you give off a shit impression
If you got a bad impression off me its probably cos your crap and I dont care if you exist. BE REYT


Top 10 best musical entertainers.
1. Motion City Soundtrack
2. Feeder
3. Brand New
4. Autopilot Off
5. New Found Glory
6. Robbie Williams
7. 36 Crazyfists
8. American Hi-Fi
9. The Bled
10. The Klaxons



I cant say anyone has ever changed my life or has anyone ever inspired me.
I dont need other people to motivate me into changing an aspect of my life becuase I just think that shows weak character.
I'm motivated by my own self-interest. Luckily, I'm the type of person who has an interest in most things.
For example: Transpiration, oh aye. lol.

So no, I do not have a hero; Im not weak and insecure.

Reckon you can change my life?
You can go and eat Crag's phlegm.

My Blog


Just like to point of a few of my thoughts on todays society. Thought up a few things whilst doing biology coursework. I'l elaborate on my opinion that I strongly believe in hierachies and that there ...
Posted by Sophie Wareing! on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 01:44:00 PST

Who knew..

That college holds such happy memories. Well, first of all, i must tell you that the cotton bud head granny librarian is only 55. but the thing is, she looks about 83. I asked Miss biggs if this was t...
Posted by Sophie Wareing! on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 06:48:00 PST

My story (as seen in biology)

Hello. Im Sophie Wareing.   Im going to tell you my little story. Bear in mind im not one for details. Natalie Preston will be pleased to see this up. I know she liked it. Well, one day when i wa...
Posted by Sophie Wareing! on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 11:44:00 PST