Erin profile picture


Life is good.

About Me

Me: love to laugh, to dance, enjoy a long and good meal and a glass of wine.Country music is my thing, don't hate.My favorite places in the world:Chicago, Paris, Aix en Provence, NYC, Kentucky and now LA and Vegas. Dying to visit Italy (going in May 2007!).My bad habits: Starbucks (but I'm getting better), spending way too much time on the Internet, shopping (but I'm a budget shopper), and doing the robot in public places.What I'm passionate about: My career, the relationships I have with my friends and family, volunteering with the kids at the Off the Street Club, dancing (missing the good ol days!) UK Basketball (but don't keep up as much as I used to), sunny days, traveling (abroad and in the U.S.), a good book, my puppies, figuring out what I'm meant for in this life.Things I do that I probably shouldn't: look at people like they might be crazy, letting people look at me like I might be crazy.Things I couldn't live without: my family, my friends, my puppies and having fun. Oh, and kentucky bourbon (oops).My pet peeves: When people say they will do something and don't follow through...ughhh I hate that more than anything! I also can't stand fakeness of any kind, trust me I"ll see right through it. If you're looking to impress me with your $$$ or status, forget about it, doesn't work on me! And, I can't stand people that chew with their mouth open and make loud smacking sounds when they eat. eww. oh yeah, and most importantly, I can't stand people with poor grammar!What I say a lot: "You're weiiiid" (in the voice of Brian Fellows).I love....happy people, genuinely interesting and interested people, contemplating life, wondering what will happen next, accepting what happened yesterday, living for right now, and getting excited for tomorrow.

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My Interests

Your Birthdate: September 7
You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy.
And though you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you.
Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice!

Your strength: Your self sufficiency

Your weakness: You despise authority

Your power color: Maroon

Your power symbol: Hammer

Your power month: July What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

I'd like to meet:

My Grandmother Charlotte, Hugh Grant, Justin Timberlake, Ashley Judd, Me (in a past life.)


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Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman
Inside you've got the passion and ideals of a teenager
And your intensity for life is what attracts most of the men you date
You also like to party - and quite often you're the life of the party
You've brought the best of your younger years with you... at least most of the time. Are You A Girl Or a Woman?


Friends, Sex and the City (every man and woman should have to watch it), Felicity, Project Runway, Entourage, Grey's Anatomy, The Real World
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The Devil Wears Prada, The Great Gatsby, Nanny Diaries, The Stranger, Don't Look Behind You, The Notebook, The Wedding, Circle of Friends, The Secret.


My parents and my grandparents.v

My Blog


HI All--I just wanted to spread the good word about one of my best friends, Laurie Anna Keith. She is an up and coming artist in Chicago and she just recorded her first two songs, "What Would You Do" ...
Posted by Erin on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:22:00 PST