Tony profile picture


You can't change the past but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future!!!

About Me

I am 28 years old have traveled alot through the states. Just a guy living like there is no tommorow. You never know what the next day brings so make the best of the day you are living. I am laid back but enjoy a great laugh and a great sence of humor.. I enjoy music and art also like to travel alot there is always time to travel. That includes camping in the mountains are chilling at the beach. I enjoy sports of all types and playing them as well. I tell the truth and sometimes the truth hurts if thats the case don't ask. I am a good friend and companion: I have seen and been through alot in my time so I believe in philosophy and things that are questionable. I like to listen to music of all generas just depends on the mood I am in. I like sunsets and even more the sunrise:) I have met the most uniuqe people in my time and my travels and would like to meet more.

My Interests

music,travel,art,reading,and anything spontanious. astrology,philosophyand anything out of the ordinary .. src=" jpg.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"

I'd like to meet:

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The doors, Grateful Dead, Led zepplyn, Beatles, Korn, Rusted Root, blind melon, wasted days, d.j monk, d.j 3, d.j Jack, phish, tom petty, dave mathews, los lonely boys, bob marley, wyclef, pink floyd, marvin gaye,Ben HaRPER, aLICE IN cHAINS,jANICE jOPLIN, DEFTONES,O.A.R,Jack Johnson,Peter Frampton, James Taylor, Pearl Jam, String cheese incident,STP,steve miller band


old school, casino, boon dock saints, clock work orange,Blow,


24, sopranoes, 70's show, dave cheppelle, snl,


Dean Koontz, Autobiography's


My mom she as been through alot and still as triumphed to be who she is today.