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MySpace Comments
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The doors, Grateful Dead, Led zepplyn, Beatles, Korn, Rusted Root, blind melon, wasted days, d.j monk, d.j 3, d.j Jack, phish, tom petty, dave mathews, los lonely boys, bob marley, wyclef, pink floyd, marvin gaye,Ben HaRPER, aLICE IN cHAINS,jANICE jOPLIN, DEFTONES,O.A.R,Jack Johnson,Peter Frampton, James Taylor, Pearl Jam, String cheese incident,STP,steve miller band
old school, casino, boon dock saints, clock work orange,Blow,
24, sopranoes, 70's show, dave cheppelle, snl,
Dean Koontz, Autobiography's
My mom she as been through alot and still as triumphed to be who she is today.