Luis D. profile picture

Luis D.

Gotta be right with yourself b4 your Right with others....

About Me

Chilled out, Proud Puerto Rican, here to have fun! Just on here to meet new people, make friends, would love to meet fellow Dj's and other musical artist I'm up to talk about anything.
I believe you can teach sex but not kissing so i'd take "great kisser and ok in bed" any day over "great in bed and ok kisser".
Wanna know more Hit me up on A.I.M. at Ewok060... Oh yeah, don't forget to COMMENT on my pics and Blogs, I would really appreciate it!!!

I don't give a fuck whether U listen to Hip Hop or Drum and Bass, to me it's all the same shit....STREET MUSIC!!!

My Interests

Making friends, making music (Bedroom Dj), Black and white Photography, Parties of course, Racing, Baseball, Football, Paintball, Reading, Administration of Justice, oh and I love Off Roading in a 1988 Jeep Cherokee 4X4 Straight 6, who doesn't like to get dirty?! JEEPS RULE!!!

NEW UPDATE: I'm at that stage in my life where going out and getting shit faced isn't all that I'm set out to do in life, don't get me wrong, we all need that time where we can relax and have fun with friends, but there's a time where U need to get serious and plan for what is imminent, so I'm taking cue's from a friend that it's time for me to step up to the plate and take my goals and actually do something to achieve them and get my career going, so that's what I have set out to do...

I'd like to meet:

Down to earth people, whether Ur male or female, I like to make friends, people who know how to have fun and be wild 'n crazy, and be chilled back and relaxed, especially people who can't do anything w/o music playing in the Background, or have a musically influenced life, instrument players, Dj's, Digital Dj's, producers, singers/songwriters, Lyricists, anybody who can embrace the Hip Hop Culture, people who are interested in learning about different cultures, stuff like that, that's a lot huh? I'm a very Curious and extremly open minded person, I'll talk about practically anything. So Holla at your boy!


Hip-Hop/Rap, R&B, Rock, Alternative, Electronic music, that should make this list short since U can add all the variations of Techno.... Pretty much anything that can get a girl shaking her ass like her life depended on it, haha, one of the many reasons I want to be a Dj, I love watching people dance, having a good time, dancing their stress away, it's great to see people having fun with friends, that's why I think I would make a great Dj, I spin for the people, I rock the crowd, the crowd rocks me, if they aren't having fun, then I'm not having fun, always put into the set what U want out of it, it's not worth doing it if it's not making U feel good! Am I right?! That's something people should live by, if Ur not having fun doing it, stop it and try something else! Love the music, live the music, be the music!


Too many to list, but Horror, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Suspense, some drama's, Comedy of course!


NO REALITY TV, Dating shows are ok, but all that other crap that's out there, is exactly what it is....CRAP... ok ok maybe except MTV's Real World Series....but that's it!


Tom Clancy, George Carlin, anything on Military weapons, like data sheets and specs of current military issue weapons from around the world including Transportation....sounds weird I know, like I said earlier I'm just a very curious person...


John Leguizamo most defintely, he has played a wide variety of rolls, and he always seems to play the character just right....yes even in Super Mario Brothers.... LOL I know that's his worst movie but hey, he was just starting out.... We all gotta start somewhere!!!

My Blog

Tell me what U think of me please!

BTW I got this from Sarah's Page AKA "Sairy" Thanks Sarah!!!   So tell me what U think of me.... By Clicking Here...Thanks!!!   PLUS....   I can take a some critiscism too, so if U want...
Posted by Luis D. on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 12:28:00 PST

Please Fill This Out For Me!!!!!

fill this thing out in the comment area (snatched it 4rm Genevieve who snatched it 4rm jacks page-I dont know jack) do it and reply with it in comment 1.    Who are you? 2. ...
Posted by Luis D. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


. That's how I feel right now, I just had one of THE best nights of my life.... 1st...I met this girl on Myspace and she's TOTALLY down to give me a ride to the City, and she's coming from Palo Alto...
Posted by Luis D. on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST