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Your Celebrity Boob Twin:
Kelly Brook
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music is my life !my taste is very eclectic but here is a small indicative selection of what rocks my fucked up world !!!!!!!!!!!Fox f.m. double glazing add cover versions , missing the bus in grange hill,the tension building drum roll,the end of the 30secs in countdown, clowns car falling to pieces, ice hockey goal music ,happy birthday ,blankety blank "super-match game" jingle,theme from fawlty towers , windows boot up(xp home edition ) ,industrial grindcore christian lift muzak ,the awsome howard from the halifax adds(only his early stuff,he lost his mojo after 2003 you know),"you'r goin' home in a fukin' ambulance !" , the benny hill nurse in suspenders speeded up chase music ,the inspirational and spiritual piano playing of the magical les dawson,,the last of the summer wine (comedy continuity refrain) , theme from starving children on the news ,that jazy funeral music they play in new orleans(like the bit in that bond movie), the end of ronnie corbets deliberatly long and convoluted(and shit) joke ,a clear precurser to the also seminal theme tune to his sitcom "sorry","get your tits out for the lads!", and , anything at all by the mighty....quickfit!!!!...or on the other hand anything at all like this :.. width="425" height="350" ..and most defa-fuckin-ately this....
Frankenfish , My fair lady and THIS.. width="425" height="350" ..
.. width="425" height="350" ..
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Created by Bart King
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