Its a shame because both people i would most like to meet have left us, you've got to love them for what they have left behind though, Ray Charles and Alfred Hitchcock. I would love to meet the legend that is Alan Shearer aswell(Big Newcastle fan, SHEARER..SHEARER!!) I've gone blank for this section at the moment so TO BE CONTINUED... OO i also would like to meet Thomas Crapper, the legend who invented the flush toilet!! Thank you Thomas!!
I'm not a huge fan of music(except on a night out of course)and generally just listen to what my friends are listening to. I am a big fan of the legend that is Ray Charles though and as sad as it sounds his album 'The Definitve Ray Charles' is sitting all alone in my CD collection.
I am a huge fan of Alfred Hitchcock and the british director Shane Meadows but i generally like to watch most films, bring on the low budget crap lol. I don't think i could say my definate best film of all time but heres a collection, Dead Man's Shoes (Shane Meadows), Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont), Collateral (Michael Mann) Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock) Ray (Taylor Hackford) and Starsky and Hutch (Todd Phillips). My love for films is one reason im not a huge fan of just listening to music because i would rather have a good film or 'Friends' and 'Scrubs' in the background.
My 3 favourite shows have to be Friends, Scrubs and of course '24'. Friends is top and no matter how many times i watch, and trust me thats a lot of times, it always makes me giggle (Fave Character-Joey and no matter what people say his show is awesome too). Scrubs is awesome and our house not only has all the Friends dvd's but these too (Fave Character-can't choose one because the comedy duo of JD and Turk). Theres also not much better then sitting down with my top dawg Matt and enjoying Jack Bauer kicking ass with a nice glass of whiskey and coke. Its also been hard for me to leave Soccer AM behind when i came to uni but i just cnt afford Sky.
Im not a big reader anymore (apart from them damn uni books GRR!!) but when i was i use to love a good horror and Stephen King is my favourite authors.
One of my big heros has to be Ray Charles, no matter what life threw at him he still became a legend.