My message...
I believe we are all here to share with one another...
I believe we are here to evolve...
I believe we are here to be responsibile for our emotions and to accept the consequences of our actions...
I believe sometimes we have to go against our heart and do what our head knows is right...
I believe love has no boundaries and can see no colour or gender....
I believe music is the highest form of message...
I believe as humans today we have a right and an obligation to stand up and voice our unhappiness, to step up to the job of changing this world we live and love in, we owe it to the future generations and to those in the past who fought so long and hard to get where we are....
We who are free and happy to walk where we want, wear what we want and say what we want should be RUNNING IN BRIGHT COLOURS YELLING AND SCREAMING FOR FREEDOM, PEACE AND EQUALITY....
The world is our backyard and we are ALL responsible...
Not to make your self number one...make your nieghbours and friends number one....make a stranger number one...change some ones day....smile when you dont really want to...
I believe it is my duty to spread this message as far and wide as i can.....
Dont be afraid to fight for the right....peace has never been handed over in the past...its been a long and hard journey...a battle...a struggle....so step up yo....JessKat
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