The names Cara. Say hii :D
First off. I love people.
I think everyone deserves a fighting chance for my friendship. So don't be afraid to say hello :]
Oh and please don't give me lip about judging people.
Its human nature. You are lying if you say you don't. Its your choice everyday how you want someone to behold you by your appearance and how you articulate. So don't complain if someone calls you a slut or attention whore it just makes you look like a little bitch :]
I live for the little moments. The things people can say and do are just unreal. It makes my day with greater reason. My friends and family are my heart, my soul, my laughter, love and my life. I don't need a man to make me feel laudable to this earth. I can never find the right person with enough grit to share life with so I choose to remain single until that time comes.
In a lifetime you will only count on a hand the people who will be sitting with you clutching your hand no matter what on that long roller coaster ride called Life. I promise. My hand isn't full yet.
I watch people when they aren’t noticing.
Not in the creepy way silly!
Human nature is absolutely spectacular.
Its insane how much you can learn about a person just by studying them for a minute or two.
Oh, and I stare at your teeth when you talk.
So smile for me bby :D
I look at things the wrong way.
Instead of the glass half full.Its half empty. Its selfish of me because I know there are people living with no glass at all.
I don't like to think I'm shallow.
When it comes down to it...looks play a vague factor in how you see a person.
The more you get to know a person, the more attractive they become to you because everything beautiful you see on the inside of them, suddenly you're able to see on the outside of them too. When you see the dark side of a person, they begin to look ugly even if they are absolutely stunning.
...My two biggests problems? First, I have the hardest time saying no.
I will ALWAYS be there for somebody whether they need me or not even if it means sacrificing my being.
Second, I need a lot of space. Even in my own home. It takes a lot for me to begin to talk to someone so please, dont get peeved when I dont text you. call you. comment. im you. or invite you places first. Its just a personal issue I have to overcome. But dont get me wrong! I am such an outgoing and open person and I wont hesitate to befriend someone in person :) But Sometimes im a little too loud :/ Caroline knows at 11 at night.
I have a lingering thought about how time just seems to drag behind you when your building castles in the air and once you take the time to breathe and look back you realized just how abrupt it really was and then sit there asking yourself where it all dwindled away to. Your perception of time changes as your mentality matures. I remember summers used to be the best days of my life now in the blink of an eye its all over again, receding into the past. You itch to have that time back to say the things you wish you could say, stop the garbage from coming out. Take too many photos. Fulfill your promises. Go to that one place you had second thoughts about. Play in the rain to let you know your still alive. Make that idea in your head into a legend. Learn from our mistakes to better humanity. Time is just history unless we make something of it.
Lastly, I am a happy person and I strive to live my life on the bright side of things. There is always a positive side to every situation if you dig deep enough to unravel it. Acceptance is key.
And yes, the grass is much greener on this side :]