Ill steal your soul, and sell it for profit profile picture

Ill steal your soul, and sell it for profit

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

"Rob is awesome, simply put because if you say otherwise you get punched in the arms. Calm and cool, and a goofy kid on top of it all. Plus only cool people know how to make rpgs using victory fan fares!"
- As told by: Frank the Tank

"seriously hes a good kid but honestly come on its becotte if you don't kow him he will amaze you with all his dirty jokes racist comments and everything ninja and thunder cats he's awesomely good @ manwhoreing though i'm saying always ready to go but yeah.. even if your not but either way good kid lots of laughs just dont ask him about drums hes a drummer and all but come on its becotte"
- As told by: SHANTEL

more to come...

Please Visit My Nohari Baord.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Rip Van Winkle, The seven dwarfs, Old king Cole, Mother hubbard, Peter Piper

My Blog

1 Question, 1 Answer

1 question.1 chance.1 answer.Thats all you get.(TO MY INBOX)any one question,no matter how crazy it is.Conditions: you won't tell ANYONE and I promise to answer it.i figure this may be a fun experimen...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 13:38:00 GMT