pool, friends, music, friends, music, picture taking, sleeping, skiing, eating, my computer, movies, music, skiing, pool, friends, rollerblading, soccer, friends, taking pictures
Doctor Emmit Brown
more people in boston.
more people at wentworth that are not worthless.
Alkaline Trio, As I Lay Dying, Avenged Sevenfold, Bane, CKY, Converge, Every Time I Die, From Autumn to Ashes, Glasseater, Guns Up, Have Heart, Learn, Lifetime, Piebald, Poisen the Well, Shadows Fall, Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Thrice, CKY, Him, lots more..
Pollhall Junkies, most Tim Burton films, Napolean Dynomite, Kill Bill 1 and 2, pretty much any movie thats done well.
prison break, the office