Interests. Mostly interesting thing, such as cookies, pens that write real nice, things that make you go "hm", bright colors, pretty pictures, fluffy hair, searching for things, smelly nice things, milk, you know...interesting stuff.
Lots of people. I enjoy the company of those others in life as it passes me by, and I say "hi" to the ones who I think are rpetty enough to receive my attention.
I enjoy music, yes. But depending on my mood, my tastes may change. I may be in the mood for some sexy sinatra, or maybe in the mood for some bouncy freezepop, or maybe in the mood for some old school Blink 182. It changes. Change is nifty. You should change your underwear.
I enjoy movies as well. I like old movies that nobody's heard of. And other movies that people have heard of. Among my favorites are pictured below.
I like gays. if they're on television, sure. That was not exactly supposed to go there, but I just decided to say that, for it had entered my mind just as I decided to type in the Television box. I like teeve shows. pictured below, I guess.
I enjoy reading, and expecially now since I have nothign better to do with my time while I'm not working. Currently reading some books that make me go "hm". I guess I like "hm"ing. Some Chuck Palanuik or however his name is spelled. I like Hitchhiker's Guide and books with pretty pictures in them. And books that tell me how to waste time.
My hero is Martha, for she is genuis. And you cant deny it. You may hate her, but she's damn creative and you know that. So bring her to me and I will maybe have your babies.