"I want someone provacative and talkative. But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shallower."I think i need a sunrise, im tired of the sunset*♥*AND I HEARD THEM SAY, Nothing's ever promised tommorrow today,*Still looking for that can't eat, can't sleep, reach for the stars over the fence, world series kind of love.
wutever is on the radio
Take the quiz: "What Grease Character Are You?"
Sandy: you are inoocent..plain as that
Take the quiz: "Which famous movie kiss are you?"
You are the Titanic kiss!
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Which Disney Princess Are You?
Snow White
You're the most beautiful in all the land but you;re stuck living in some strange company! Snow White was the original Disney's princess and was first seen in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.
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my momma cuz she is my hero!!!Take the quiz: "What Barbie Are You? (W/ Pics)"
Malibu Barbie
You are Malibu Barbie! Your a spoiled little brat who needs to get their own life and money! Dont rely on daddy much longer...