Sometimes opportunities just present themselves, and you just have to take it. nevermind that your mind is telling you to stop, that what you are doing is wrong. because it is your heart that is urging you to move forward, that what you are doing is right. If it truly was wrong, it wouldn't feel this right. There to no need to think about the consequences now, because the future is simply a word, a thing that doesn't exist. Living in the present and feeling the moment is the only thing that you are aware of. i don't want to live my life letting opportunites slip past me. i don't to later look back at the situation and think about what could have been. i want to KNOW. i want to experience it. Once it is over, these are the memories that seem alright. they are the ones that you don't later have to think about. The ones where you don't have to ask questions about why you did it, who could it have hurt and would you ever do it again. these are the ones that can just BE. They are the moments in life where afterwards you will lay your head back onto your pillow at night and feel content. These are the moments that life is made of, the opportunities that you didn't let go. Realize that you only have one life to live. And look at every opportunity that presents itself to you as if it was NOW OR NEVER
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