Profile GeneratorI take seriously anything meaningful that happens to me,.an i dont just blow anything off
Dizztortion,loud music,bOttols,falling out of yuor car drunk pretty much,drums drums drumsss,i never learn from doing stupid shit, roadtrips,homies, cigs,water,art,abstract n psychedelic art, poetry,music,
the beeeach,naturre,car rides, the gym, getting trashed at shows,live music, oing with the flow in live, not planning out a lota shit ahead of time, I'm pretty laid back, honest, pretty open with conversations, i do drugs every once ina while now, I looove to party, im fucking peruvian an proooudd
I live life by passion not by law
oh an passing out by the embarcadero at 2 am
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Sri Chinmoy Ghose