.TWiSTEd × ElEGANCe. profile picture


it seems that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it, i lov

About Me

My Interests

i live in indiana
some days i like it, most days i don't.

i'm 19, & so far its been fabulous.

blonde hair & greeeeen eyes.

my fav. colors pink
.. its kind of an obsession.

tattoos & piercings excite me :D

i hate arguing..
but i'm very good at it.

i tend to nickname people.

i'd pick a guy friend over a girl anyday.

my biggest fear is being forgotten.

i have a hard time letting go
of people i truly care about.

you can't trust anyone.
you came into this world alone..
& you're gonna leave the same way too.

i mess up alot, i'm not perfect
& i don't intend to be.
although it does frustrate me
to disappoint people.

i'm the queen of excuses.

i've been told that i drink too much
but i totally disagree.

i have a cat named sissy
& she could quite possible be
the cutest thing everrrr.

i know nothing about life
yet everything about living.

i despise cold weather
i WILL move to the south someday.

i do everything last minute.

i tend to get myself in trouble
well.. all the time.

i'm a bit of a freak ;]

i love to party & have
entirely too much fun.

i believe in second chances
to a certain extent
i believe in everyong being
meant for someone
and cupid, having really bad aim.

i'm very indecisive.

my cell & eyeliner never
leave my side.

sometimes i'm shy
sometimes i'm not.

chad michael murray
please marry me.

i like surprises
.. alot :>]

my mood changes like the weather.

bad driver.. & i mean bad.

i lack common sense.

i'm extremely sarcastic sometimes.

I'd like to meet:




mini's first time.
the notebook.
the covenant.


the oc.
one tree hill.


james patterson and nicholas sparks


"i'm selfish, impatient, & a little insecure. i make mistakes, i am out of control & at times hard to handle. but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

"madness is genius. and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. & when it comes down to it; i let them think what they want. if they care enough to bother with what i do, then i'm already better than them."

-marilyn.monroe ♥

My Blog

where ive beens a long story; why im here is easy.. its meant to be.

there's a place i've been lookin' forthat took me in and out of buildingsbehind windows, walls and doorsand i thought i found itcouple times, even settled downand i'd hang around just long e...
Posted by .TWiSTEd × ElEGANCe. on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:33:00 PST