Music, steel guitars, history, travel, language, amateur cultural anthropology, horimono, expensive wine, moderately priced beer, cheap bourbon, dropping 2s, tossing 3s, driving obscenely large vehicles at a fast rate of speed over very long distances, my own glorious vanity, Catholic imagery, reading, skateboarding, thunderstorms, girl parts, Sailor Jerry, any food that a competent physician would advise one to eat sparingly or not at all, gambling, sleeping until 4pm on a Wednesday, nature, philosophy, motorcycles, crassly advertising myself on the InterWeb, the lives of my friends and loved ones, belt buckles, documentary films, coitus, summertime in places other than Texas, tax evasion, Lucius Tate, Coast to Coast AM, caffeinated beverages, cooking, religion, animals, and alternating between immaculate and deplorable personal hygiene standards.
I'll know when I meet 'em
Caprice Muzik (it goes down)
What's your take on Cassavetes?
I pretend not to look at television programming. But just between us, I gots to have my TV--the less edifying, the better. "Cops". "Ow! My balls!". And so forth.
Be assured that I've read more books than you have, you clod. If I haven't, you need to get out more, you nerd. Nowadays, though, my reading is limited mostly to skin mags and really pedantic music books.
People without MySpace pages