This is my bestfriend Krystal Jannette Bensel she is the koolest pperson alive :] I will always have her back and she always has mine. She is an amazing bestfriend and I can trust her with everything. We have the funnest times together and were always laughing when were hanging out.
I love you in a bestbestbestbestfriend way :]
Jackiee~ This gurl is the koolest ever I can tell her everything and she wont tell no one. I will always have her back and she will always have mine this is my second bestiest freind. Your the best Jackiee BFF. iloveeyou
Jaclynn Ann Metcalfee Was Here HEHEHE
This is the koolest little cloud ever!
alissa is my best friend in thw world i dont know what i would do with out her in my life.3 this girl is amazing in every way she helps me out sooo much in every day. she has a nice personality. she is sooo funny and caring. i really dont know what i would do with out this girl in my life
Michael Jordan
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