OLD ACCOUNT.♥ profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

the names moniica or monii!♥
ii am 19 years young.
iitaliian by blood, not choiice. ii'm also half poliish! lol.
ii HATE my shiitty town!!
someday ii'll make iit to CALiiFORNiiA. =D
briina kiimmiie && niikkole are my favoriite giirls.
ii can be a HUGE biitch or the niicest person you know;
hate me or love me.. ii won't change for anyone!!
STRAWBERRY COOLATAS ARE LiiKE HEAVEN. tanniing, yes iit's an addiictiion.
so what iif ii'm giirliie, ii could stiil get down && diirty!
o0o0ohh.. && ii burn more trees than a forest fiire. ;]
LOVEx0xPiiNK 06; get at me, don't be shy!!♥
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Moniica.
Date of Birth: Apriil 17, 1987.
Birthplace: Scranton.
Current Location: Stroudsburg.
Eye Color: Blue//Green.
Hair Color: Brown.
Height: 5'3"
Heritage: iiTALliiAN && Poliish.
Piercings: Just my ears.
Tattoos: Nope, ii HATE needles!
Band/Singer: ii have more than one...
Song: Thiis iis Why ii'm Hott.
Movie: Don't got a favoriite.
Disney Movie: Peter Pan. =)
TV show: Real World Denver. lol.
Color: PiiNK!!
Food: Chiinese Fooood.
Pizza topping: Griilled Chiicken.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Strawberry.
Drink (alcoholic): Taquiila! ;]
Soda: Wiild Cherry Pepsii.
Store: Wal-Mart! haha.
Clothing Brand: Holliister.
Shoe Brand: Shoes from Pac-Sun work.
Season: SUMMER!!
Month: Apriil or July.
Holiday/Festival: Chriistmas.
Flower: Piink Roses.
Make-Up Item: Eye Liiner.
Board game: hmmm.. LiiFE.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
Fruit or veggie: Fruiit.
Night or day: Niight.
Sour or sweet: Sour.
Love or money: Love.
Phone or in person: iin person.
Looks or personality: Looks. lol.
Coffee or tea: Tea.
Hot or cold: Hot.
Goal for this year: Start school agaiin.
Most missed memory: Too many to liist.
Best physical feature: My eyes.
First thought waking up: FUCK THiiS! moreee sleep! =)
Hypothetical personality disorder: uhhhh? confused.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: ii thiink ii am fiine.
Sesame street alter ego: Elmooo iis the shiit.
Fairytale alter ego: Tiinker Bell iis my biitch.
Most stupid remark: uhm, ii don't know.
Worst crime: Stealiing when ii was younger.
Greatest ambition: Gettiing money.
Greatest fear: Dyiing or loosiing someone close.
Darkest secret: iisn't iit a secret?! ;]
Favorite subject: Engliish probably.
Strangest received gift: ii don't know.
Worst habit: Smokiing. haha.
Do You:
Smoke: Yes.
Drink: Sometiimes.
Curse: FUCK YEAH! =P
Shower daily: Yes.
Like thunderstorms: Not really.
Dance in the rain: Nope, ii hate the raiin.
Sing: Sometiimes.
Play an instrument: Nope.
Get along with your parents: Sometiimes.
Wish on stars: Sometiimes.
Believe in fate: Sure do!
Believe in love at first sight: iit's possiible.
Can You:
Drive: Yes.
Sew: Nope.
Speak another language: Nope.
Dance: Yes.
Sing: Not too good.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Almost.
Whistle: Yes.
Curl your tongue: Yes.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yes.
Been Stoned/High: Yes.
Eaten Sushi: FUCK THAT!
Been in Love: Yes.
Skipped school: Yeah!
Made prank calls: Yes.
Sent someone a love letter: Yes.
Stolen something: Yes.
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes.
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? iimmaturiity.
Are you right or left handed? Riighty.
What is your bedtime? When ii want.
Name three things you can't live without: Friiends, money && love.
What is the color of your room? Blueeee && purple.
Do you have any siblings? Yes ((3 siisters.))
Do you have any pets? Nope.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Probably! haha.
What is you middle name? Wouldn't you liike to know.
What are you nicknames? Monii or Moca.
Are you for or against gay marriage? Whatever floats your boat! =)
What are your thoughts on abortion? Sometiimes iit's okay.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Maybe, hehe.
Are you afraid of the dark? Nope.
How do you want to die? Quiick && paiinless.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? ii don't know?!
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yeah.
What is the last law you’ve broken? Smoked treeees.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Blonde or liight brown.
Eye color: Blue or green.
Height Taller than me.
Weight Noooo piiggiies.
Most important physical feature: Smiile or Eyes.
Biggest turn-off Conceiited assholes.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Ryan Thomas Miiller!♥
ii miiss you iimmensly bro.
ii wiill always keep you iin my thoughts && prayers!
see yah agaiin someday; untiil then rest easy. ONLY THE GOOD DiiE YOUNG!! =(

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