My name is Micheal Stanley, but everyone calls me Cruzel. I am 28 years old and I am from Point Pleasant WV. I am currently living in Nashville Tn. I am currently working at KMA Publishing company as a song plugger. I have been lucky to fall into such a great group of friends in Nashville and I am so thankful everyday that I am getting a chance to live out a dream. Music is my biggest passion in life, I couldnt imagine my life without mucic. I love listening to live bands and catching people before they hit it big. I miss all of my friends back in West Virginia, thats the hardest part about being here, but I could not move back there for anything. Nashville has opened up so many doors and so many opportunities for what I want to do in life. I am looking to find some old friends and make some new ones at the same time, feel free to drop me a line at anytime. Im out like Dave Bragg in a spelling bee.