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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Yvonne but most people call me Bon. lol I've been married to Skippy for 19 years. I have one son Dustin who is now 18 and thinks he's grown and knows everything. Boy does he have alot to learn. LOL I have 3 sisters that are my bestest friends in the whole wide world. love ya girls! Family is very IMPORTANT to me as you can tell. My dad is pretty great too!! I have the best family and friends that a person could ask for. Plus Dustin's girlfriend Ashton is pretty special too. She's a little sweetheart and I hope Dustin realizes what a great girl she is. Its hard to find someone that is sweet and caring like her so he better not let her get away. She's like the daughter I never had and I love her like my own!One more thing.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!I lost my nephew Cody and brother in law Jamie to a drunk driver several years ago. Its a stupid and selfish act on anybody that would risk a life for a drink. ONE drink is all it takes to take a precious life like our Cody and Jamie. So please think before your drink!!I miss and love you both Cody and Jamie!!Blake Miller we love and miss you lots!!Greg Crowden you will truly be loved and missed!!!If you wanna know anything else just ask.... [email protected]

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