JAMIE profile picture



About Me

I am a follower of Christ, a husband to my beautiful wife and a father to my children... I love people and their uniqueness... I find if you take them for who they are it becomes alot easier to deal with 'em... My heart ultmitely is to see people operating in the purpose for which they were created...

My Interests

Father, Son, Holy Spirit, The Living Word, Heather, Squid, Harvey, Ryno, Family, People, Salvations, Restoration, Healing, Hunger, Passion, The Prophetic, The Miraculous, Signs and Wonders, Spontaneous Worship // Hunting, Fishing, Hockey, Football, Argos, BlackHawks, Learning something new, Teaching, Wrestling, Swimming, Shoes, Timmies, BBQs, Chiniose, Thai, Fudge Crackle in my Candy Cane Ice Cream, Chocolate on Chocolate Cake , Apples, Oranges, Pineapples, that's pretty much all I have to say about that...

I'd like to meet:

Saul, David and Absolom... John Hagee... Brian Warner.


Wizard of OZ, The Passion, Gods and Generals, One Night with the King, I am Sam, End of the Spear, Glory, The Nativity Story, Simon Birch.


Fishing, Hunting, All Sports, Without A Trace, Shark, Biography and Nature Shows.


The Bible, Growing in the Prophetic, Prophetic Evangelism, Honor, Following the Fire, The Secrets of the Secret Place, This Day We Fight, A Tale of Three Kings.


Jesus, the disciple He loved, Paul, Gary Osborne, Greg DeVries, Those whom are willing to praise God in the midst of the storm.