After a long hiatus from a music career, it is so good to be back with my first solo CD in the Christian Pop venue. I started out as a young pop singer in my last year of college in Boston with a great band which broke up before it had a chance to be famous, went to New York City for a short time, was in another great band which broke up right before signing a record deal. I then decided to seek my fortune in LA where I was always a working singer. I made my living as a lead singer in a number of bands, all good, never famous, sang back-up for several famous people but never found fame myself, sang commercials, hoping to be one of the in people who work a lot, make lots of money and are famous but that didnt happen. I wrote a lot of songs, some of them good but no hits. At which point, (youre thinking fame and fortune seem to be the only thing on this girls mind) I decided to pray about what to do. I just wasnt happy and didnt seem to be going anywhere. My answer came in the form of falling in love, getting married and raising a family, which was always a life goal. I poured myself whole-heartedly into being a wife and mother, devoting myself more to God and church-related duties. And I just walked away from both singing and writing.
Of course, life-challenges came along. lots of them, including physical illness, financial and relationship problems. I turned to God for spiritual healing, as I have been taught from a child. Sometimes I had to pray for what seemed a really long time for the healings to come. But my efforts to know God better as ever-present Love were met with success, and many of the healing solutions came to me in the form of songs..the songs on my CD. I never intended doing a CD after being away from singing and playing professionally for @ 12 years, but it became increasingly important to me to share this music with others in the hope that the message of Gods great love for us all would bring the same kind of healing to others that it has for me. Needless to say, fame and fortune just dont enter the equation here. This is my chance to thank God for all the blessings I and my family have received and give back. So, with a grateful heart, I share the songs of You Are Loved with you.
This profile was edited with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.4