Ben Hallworth
Ben, Benji, Twiggy.
I can drive and i tend to do it a bit too fast =/
I am opiniated but have my reasons for them
I do believe in love at first sight ♥
I am really shy at first but when you get to know me I won’t shut up
I cant tell lies, I always end up cracking. gutted.
I have the most amazing friends who come on random adventures with me.
Life isn’t the best but smile, it helps (:
I like most music but bands with female singers are the best [Miss Conduct, Paramore, Automatic Loveletters]
Smoking is DISGUSTING. End of.
I will always listen if you ever need someone to talk to
I miss the old days: Me and Anna playing tennis in my room. Quality :)
I never hold grudges
I play lead guitar and bass
I love:
The seaside at night ♥
Jumping on a train with my mates and not knowing where we are going
Random people
The feeling when you walk into your house after its been raining A LOT and you get a hot chocolate. ooof.
Going to Maccies at 6am with my mates and feeling like there is no-one else in the world
Eye make up on girlsss :)
Lie ins.
My yellow guitar and spiky bass.
I hate:
The sound of straws as they go through plastic cups that you get at maccies. ughh.
Stuck up people
Having to make decisions =/
Odd numbers.