Gr@ndM@$terB profile picture


Too busy Cooking up a Storm

About Me

I ♥ my sidekick I love food. Currently attending culinary school in west hollywood, gonna be the next Rachel Ray. Love to Dance..Dancing Machine Number 1. Chocolate..Mmm! that says it all. Cant live without my shoes..too many to count, lost track. My friends are pretty much AMAZING..MUAH! Bagels with layers of cream so GOOD! Pretty much a fat girl stuck in a little body ;) Have my own apartment and I love it. Dont have a couch yet. Living alone gets lonely at times and boring all the time...thank god for the mall across the street and my doggies ;) Wish Jess and I could combine our places and live together. Doing big things with my life right now, wouldnt change anythng for the world. I'm a busy girl, I'f I cant chill dont get butt comes first. Just moved to Hollywood and its great! To sum it up...Life is GREAT right now ♥

My Interests

Just Me and My Babes

I'd like to meet:

Sean da' Paul you're still my one and only BOB FEST 07'


MMM! Made by Chef B


Watch a movie with me!


**Jess and B** The White version of me ♥ a

My Blog

Its a struggle...

But I'm gonna make it...
Posted by Gr@ndM@$terB on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:58:00 PST


I wanted a puppy for so long. Person I was gonna get it with is long gone, so that kinda pushed things back. I wanted a little, white fur ball kinda dog and ended up getting a BIG, BLACK
Posted by Gr@ndM@$terB on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 05:10:00 PST

Shepard Fairey

Pictures of the Fairey Exhibit @ the MK gallery in La Brea. Wish I coulda tooken some of his art home. Sick stuff! Frank Fairey AKA Shepard! Heres a couple pics we took ;) One of my...
Posted by Gr@ndM@$terB on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:53:00 PST