Beth profile picture


Starting A New Chapter In Life!!!

About Me

I am the mother of a beautiful little girl named Lakyn who shows me everyday how amazing love truly is. I am engaged to a wonderful man whom I could not live a day without. He is truly one of the best things to ever happen to me. I have the bestest friends whom I don't always see eye to eye with but in the end I know they will always be there for me. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

I love spending time with my friends...I love spending time with my daughter. I love laying on the couch watching Movies...

I'd like to meet:

God...... Oprah....... Paula Deen & Rachel Ray


I love all kinds of music favorite being country


How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, The Notebook, Lonestar State Of Mind, Mean Girls, Sweet Home Alabama, Just Like Heaven, Last Kiss,The Painted Veil, Music & Lyrics


ER, Deal Or No Deal, House, Rachel Ray, Paula Deen, Grey's Anatomy, Flip That House......


My Parents are My Heroes