my name is kerstee...but u can just call me Kirsty if u want?
Cold toast on banana is what its all about these days
Canny whack it!.. wae a big mad pointy stick!
The word "pure" has to be the best word ever invented. Try finding a sentance where the word "pure" wouldnt make it sound like a billion times better!
if u can..ur obv a loser lol
I think feet r vile!...and ppl who think feet r not vile...r vile!
Sayin "ching ching" b4 drinkin alcohol never gets old!
I imagine/hope that my life when im old will b a bit like still game!
if its not i'll b severly gutted!
Oh! and dont ever try to melt a freddo in the microwave!...just disnt work!! had a near death exprience 1 time!
best advice u will ever recieve btw! :p
...The End!