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About Me

French band travelling from the South of France to the beautifull city of Paris to make a new electro music : PLACE CLICHY.

"Aller/Retour" is a first album melting electro and acoustics sounds with different voices from an another fashion (remember the 50's)...
A tune on the accordion, beat of different sound and experimental instruments, a romantic violin, a crazy electric guitar, 2 sweet feminin voices, some french delirious lyrics and 2 masculin voices, the all mixted to create a passionnante and an amazing music.

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Member Since: 27/04/2006
Band Members: 2 heads and musicians gave their talent to this project of PLACE CLICHY : Frederic Faupin, from Nice and Jérémy Dirat, from Paris used to play in a french rock band during 10 years (4 albums on Mozaïc music France "Beautés Vulgaires"). They are today music teacher when they don't play and compose music...Fred began the electronic music in 1999 and made a first album "electrotwist" and some releases on Filtered (3 tracks), Deep touch (3 tracks), and Soulgroove (2 tracks). He's got today 3 artist names : Sofian rouge (exotic house) / Jack in da box (pumpin)/ Mr Fuzz(soulful/deep). Passionnate, he mixes in different places in Monace every summer.Jérémy began to play violin at the age of 7. He discovered his passion of the music very young and started to play guitar, piano, accordeon... He composes a lot of music for his rock band and for other artists (feminin singers, musical comedy...). He's now working for a major as a composer for different artist singers.Fred and Jérémy are at first friends ans share their passion of the music with also 2 feminin singers, around PLACE CLICHY.
Influences: Mixed between an old french music (Edith Piaf) and an original electronic music (Gotan Project)...
Record Label: Unsigned, on search...

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