Me?: Artsy-Fartsy type who prefers to be amongst cool cats.
just a few things...
I love music, Any kind of music I love music, Just as long as it's groovin' Makes me laugh, Makes me smile All the while Whenever I'm with you...
Aside from my love for music I'm at my best when I'm surrounded by my family, my close friend(s), and cool honest people. I have a low tolerance for know-it-alls and phoniness. I'll give you just enough to bring you close to me or enough to get you away from me... now, take that how you want to.Most important, I love Jesus. My spirit is dead without Him.
I've developed a taste for strawberries and chocolate ...I thoroughly enjoyed these
Blogging:It's rare that I'll blog about serious issues like world events, race matters, spiritual beliefs, sexism, corporate scandal, education, etc. I like to debate and converse about the above issues and a lot more, but this is MySpace. I refuse to take it there. I choose to garner that personal face to face interACTION where I've learned something, and use it as a future reference for the surmountable "life" issues we all face. So, please, when contacting me keep it light, fun, and entertaining. Save all that heavy stuff for your egghead friends. hahahaha!
Oh, and the guy below, that's Eric...If you enjoy pure music and can appreciate a trueartist click on Erro's add for the experience.
Click here to view full footage of Eric Roberson live!