Hi. This is not Anthony writing this, this is his best friend in all of california...my name is carina and i am here to tell you all about the man we call SCOOTER. Scooter was born to an irish priest and his wife (it was a bit of a scandal in those days) in the dismal year of 1806 in san francisco, california. His father, Duncan McCloud owned a small saw mill in south san fran and had a bit of what we would call today a "drinking problem," often downing two liters of whiskey before breakfast. We do not speak of the scooter's mother for she drowned in a tragic hunting accident when he was but a lad. After the death of his wife, duncan began drinking more heavily and scooter was forced to move out of his father's nest at the tender age of 42. This was a tragic development for the scoot. the world was a scary place for young boy with such a pretty face in 1848...vice lurked on every corner. Soon thereafter, scooter struck out for sacramento to partake in the goldrush of 1849 and quickly acquired a small fortune, of which he and his 31 children would live off of for the next 57 years. By 2006 the family fortune had run dry and scooter was forced to take a job as a barista at the aptos coffee roasting company in aptos, ca. this is where he and i met and became instant friends. and that brings us up to date. of course it's difficult to tell his ENTIRE life story in this one section, but the highlights i think have been covered. I forgot to mention the time he contracted syphilis and got malaria from a tiger he met in singapore. he's had a crazy life...and he keeps on scootin.