yeaH!! my name is ahmad safwan but most people
cll me fendy for shot.i was bron on May 12.1988.i am a simple
boy with realistic emotions, feelings, and the ability to love
(cam bangang jek).i love meeting new people. at first i am shy and quiet(yg nie lagie a:p), but once you get to know me, i can be a
real riot. i don't care what you look like, or what you believe in, just as
long as youre kind at heart and a nice person. i love musics but mostly im into punk, emo, hardcore & metal. rock makes
myself comfortable nowdays. poetic lyrics with fast drums & guitars makes me want to scream out loud. even nowdays rock or so
called emo stuffs are hot around the world. keep on rockin' guys! i kept
my rock hearts since i was 12 years old and yeah still inside my mind
wOoHoo! yeah im sure you guys notice that im soo in luv with camera &
photography.I mean what the fuck gay ?! I’m not that despicable !I
have a fucking perfect god-gifted face !and never to think that if you
are older than me , you can simply crush me . yes , I’m young , but
young people do have feelings , just like any other people . Don’t go all
perasan-ted , being cool or I’m-older-than-you-so-respect-me kind of
thing to me . I just don’t give a fuck ogey ! you have to
respect me too if you want me to respect you .